Beginning to build your brand online seems like an insurmountable task, but when it's broken down into smaller sections the mountain turns into molehills. Follow these steps to get your start.
Create a website, if you don't have one already
The first step to building your brand online is creating a website or blog that shows off the best of what you do. If you don't already have one, it's time to start! Creating a website can seem daunting, especially if you're new to web design. But there are plenty of websites that offer free templates and easy-to-use tutorials for beginners like yourself.
A website is the most important part of your online marketing strategy. It’s where you can build a relationship with customers and showcase what makes your business unique. Most importantly, it’s a way to collect their contact information so that you can market directly to them in the future.
There are lots of different types of websites you can create, but here are some examples:
A simple landing page with contact information and an email signup form (the fastest way to get customers, and a great way to track clicks on specific ad campaigns)
An e-commerce store selling products or services online (the best way to make sales)
Blogs (the best way to drive traffic back)
Take advantage of social media
Once your site is up and running, it's time to utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to attract new fans who will get excited about what you do so they can become regular customers themselves someday.
Choose the social media platforms that are most relevant to your audience and do them well. It's important to focus on what you want to accomplish, rather than spreading yourself too thin by trying to be everywhere at once. Make sure you're taking advantage of the platform(s) your target audience is already using, not just jumping in because a few of your friends have been talking about it lately.
Engage with your audience and talk to them! Every person who interacts with your brand online should feel like they're talking directly with someone who cares about their needs, not just another marketing machine spewing out generic messages at them day after day.
A good rule of thumb: if it isn't relevant or interesting enough for someone else (who doesn't care about your business), then it probably isn't going to do much good either.
Build an email list
To build an email list, create landing pages where people sign up for updates—this way their information gets delivered directly into the inboxes they've given permission for delivery into!
The best part about having an email list? It’s free! No matter how much money or resources were spent on building this email list (and trust me: none), every penny spent was worth it because once someone signs up for something related specifically toward helping others learn more about us as professionals/creators/human beings working toward improving ourselves daily through meaningful conversations about things we care about most deeply...there's no stopping us from achieving great things together!
Your subscribers are the lifeblood of your business, so it's important to treat them well and give them value. To do this, you need to provide regular updates on what's going on in your business. You can do this by sending out emails that include:
Promotional offers
Tips and tricks for using your product or service
Customer testimonials (and photos!)
Grow your SEO via guest posts or blog contributions
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing traffic to your website through search engines. SEO is a long-term strategy that can be done by writing content, building links, or doing both. You can increase your SEO by writing guest posts or blog contributions for other websites in your industry.
Optimize your website for mobile
Your website is the first place your customers will go when they're looking to learn more about you. If they can't find what they're looking for, or if the site is hard to navigate, then it's likely that they'll find a competitor instead.
That's why it's important to optimize your website for mobile devices!
Mobile optimization has several benefits:
It improves user experience. The easier it is for users to find what they need on their phones and tablets, the better chance you have at converting them into customers. This means less time spent searching through pages of content and more time being able to provide value-adds such as how-to guides or video tutorials on how best to utilize products and services offered by your company.
Increased search engine rankings (SEO). One way Google measures whether or not a page is worthy of ranking well in search results is by examining how much time visitors spend on each page after visiting through its search algorithm; if there isn't enough engagement with certain pages then those might be penalized accordingly because Google assumes there wasn't any interest generated after visiting them which leads us back again into why optimizing websites specifically optimized for mobile devices has been proven over time now too!
Now that you are set up for success, it's time to start posting content! Add a blog to your website to provide more value for viewers and start a Pinterest account to create backlinks. Post relevant content on your social media and engage with your audience. Go forth and prosper!